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Last Updated: 1/4/2024

Welcome to SkiMaster! By using our services, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions. Please read these terms carefully before using our website or booking ski training camps.

1. Ski Training Camp Registration

SkiMaster provides a platform for users to register for ski training camps. By registering, users agree to provide accurate and complete information. SkiMaster reserves the right to cancel registrations or deny access to camps if the provided information is found to be false or incomplete.

2. Payment Terms

Payment for ski training camps can be made through PayPal, check, or bank transfer. Fees, payment methods, and any applicable taxes are clearly outlined during the booking process. SkiMaster reserves the right to change fees or payment terms at any time, with notice provided to users.

3. User Conduct

Users are expected to adhere to a standard of conduct that promotes a positive and respectful environment within the SkiMaster community. Any inappropriate behavior, including but not limited to harassment, discrimination, or violation of camp rules, may result in account termination.

4. Intellectual Property

All content and materials provided by SkiMaster, including logos, trademarks, and instructional content, are the intellectual property of SkiMaster. Users agree not to reproduce, distribute, or use any such materials without the express written consent of SkiMaster.

5. Termination of Accounts

SkiMaster reserves the right to terminate user accounts at its discretion, especially in cases of violation of these Terms of Service or any unlawful activities. Users will be notified of the termination, and any fees paid for future camps may be forfeited.

6. Changes to Terms of Service

SkiMaster may update these Terms of Service periodically. Users are responsible for reviewing the terms regularly. Continued use of our services after any changes implies acceptance of the modified terms.

7. Governing Law

These Terms of Service are governed by the laws of Canada. Any disputes arising from the use of SkiMaster’s services will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Canadian courts.

8. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about our Terms of Service, please contact us at info@skimaster.ca.